Frequently Asked Questions

Bills are due the 15th of the month. Penalties are posted the next day, and late notices are sent out about the 20th.

You must pay the appropriate deposit and complete an Application for Service form. The deposit must be paid first before a bill is put into your name.

You must complete an Application for Service form, indicate that the request type is to “Disconnect Water Service,” and include a forwarding address. For transferring to a new residence, a new Application for Service form must be completed for that address but existing deposits will be transferred.

We accept debit and credit cards. We also have an Automatic Bank Draft Payment Plan in which the customer fills out a form, and the bill will be automatically deducted from their checking accounts on the 10th of the month. Go to PAY BILL for more information.

Our office hours are:

  • Monday-Thursday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Friday: 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Phones will be answered starting at 8:00 a.m. Monday-Friday

We have a night deposit box located in the drive through window for after hours payments.

The customer is responsible for his/her service line from our meter to the customer’s form of connection. Springfield Water retains ownership of the meter as well as maintaining the meter base on our side. The customer is responsible for any issues on their side of the service line.

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